CPD Standards Office Provider Number: 50075

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Category: Coaching Programmes & Solutions, Communication/Presentation, Education & Training Centres, Health & Safety, Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals


BeMRCOG Ltd formed a company in March 2016, but BeMRCOG courses have been running since 2011. These courses are converted to online courses in 2013. The target audience is MRCOG exam candidates and these courses aid them to prepare for different parts of this exam. Doctors from across the globe, seeking a postgraduate qualification in Obstetrics and Gynaecology are the primary users of these courses. We provide extensive and intensive courses as well as live online workshops for clinical training.

The extensive courses are presented in the form of audio-visual tutorials, brainstorming quizzes and self-assessment mock tests. These courses are supplemented by one-to-one coaching wherever requested by the user. So far, we have no other competitor providing this kind of course due to the unique features mentioned above.

The intensive online webinar is a 3 days event and is a distinctively unique course. The course design is highly interactive and a typical comment from attendees is that they are surprisingly able to keep their concentration for 6 hours. They find this experience very enjoyable and ‘one of its kind’.  It covers the syllabus of MRCOG part 2 exam.

The clinical training comprises of audiovisual tutorials aided with live online practice workshops. This provides the benefit of individual coaching with detailed individualized feedback. These courses have the highest pass rate and hence are very popular.

All our courses are online and can be accessed across the globe, any place and at any time. The candidates are tracked for their reading history, and readiness to sit in the exam and have 24x7 support for technical and knowledge-based help.

Accredited Activities:

  • MRCOG Part 1 Course
  • MRCOG Part 2 Course
  • MRCOG Part 3 Course
  • Online Workshop
  • Professional Development Course

Who Should Attend:

UK and non-UK-based doctors doing any post-graduation in the speciality of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, mainly MRCOG ( but not limited to it).

Further Information: