Hunrosa Ltd

CPD Standards Office Provider Number: 21840

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Category: Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals


Hunrosa was founded in November 2017.

A sound night’s sleep is important for our health and sense of wellbeing. Sleep is an essential factor in development, growth, immunity from disease and learning. The art of restful sleep can be promoted and achieved at any age and this is what Hunrosa delivers to children and to adults. Hunrosa Ltd -

  • Supports the NHS in delivering sleep support
  • Is a lead sleep consultancy specialising in sleep issues for those with sensory issues
  • Works with industry partners in developing sleep knowledge and support
  • Has developed Sleep Wise and Sleeptasia sleep monitoring and advice apps

Accredited Activities:

  • Hunrosa Sleep Wise Training
  • Sleep Right
  • Sleep Aware

Hunrosa Sleep Wise Training is CPD accredited and provides:

An insight into why sleep is so crucial for concentration and performance and how it provides a wealth of health benefits both physical and emotional. This session can be adapted to suit staff knowledge. The session will last 3 hours. You will examine:

  • The evidence that informs current thinking about sleep
  • The impact of sleeplessness
  • How to improve poor sleep, with a specific focus on sleep and behaviour
  • Sleep and anxiety
  • Sleep and anger

Further in-depth study modules can be added:

  • Everyday approaches to sleep problems
  • Hunrosa Sleep Awareness Training

Who Should Attend:

The courses are Health Practioners, including medical students, Social Care and Education professionals at Consultant/Senior Management – Operational staff level.  The training will cover:

  • Understanding the evidence that informs current thinking about sleep
  • Understanding the impact of sleeplessness
  • Understanding how to improve poor sleep, with a specific focus on sleep and behaviour
  • Understanding the relationship between sleep and anxiety
  • Understanding the relationship between sleep and anger

Further Information: