OPUS Pharmacy Services Limited

CPD Standards Office Provider Number: 60088

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Category: Early Years, Education & Training Centres, Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals, Social and Care Work


OPUS are the experts in medicines training. Since being founded in 2004, OPUS has trained over 150,000 staff in the care and education sectors on the safe administration of medicines, and beyond. All OPUS trainers are experienced, qualified Pharmacists with a particular interest in social care. All course materials are developed by Pharmacists to ensure OPUS training is of the highest quality, and in line with all current guidance, best practice and legislation. We provide ongoing support to all our customers through our Professional Support Pharmacist team to allow staff and Managers alike to feel confident and competent in their roles, and to provide the best care possible to the people they support. We work with private care organisations, Local Authorities, homecare providers, extra care & supported living, daycare, children’s services, learning disability services, boarding schools, day schools, and more!

Accredited Activities:

  • Safe Handling of Medicines
  • Safe Handling of Medicines (Foundation) E-Learning Course
  • Medicines Awareness for Schools (Foundation) E-Learning Course

Who Should Attend:

Care sector training is suitable for staff, Senior Staff, Managers and Registered Nurses in adult or children’s services. Training for schools or colleges is suitable for all staff and School Nurses.

Further Information:
