"Leadership and Inclusion Post Pandemic" Webinar

17sep2:00 pm4:00 pm"Leadership and Inclusion Post Pandemic" Webinar

Event Details

Today’s increasingly volatile and uncertain world requires different leaders, those who are Ethical, and Authentic as well as Radical (embracing change) and also Caring. Such leaders lead beyond their ego, in the interests of all their stakeholders. We call this type of leader, Transpersonal. This webinar starts to give you a sense of the transpersonal journey, so you can begin to see how to embrace a model for leadership in the post-COVID era. This webinar will give you insights into how you can begin to consciously model the behaviours of a transpersonal leader and how that meets the needs of our future organisations and leaders.

In this webinar you will learn about:-
1. Value of leading beyond ego and modelling this.
2.Insights and techniques to enable you (and your clients, if you are a coach or consultant) to make better decisions in awareness and consciousness of values and purpose
3. Some tools and techniques to help you and clients in moving beyond ego; ideas and practice
4.Reflection on own purpose, values, ethical philosophy and self-determination

Danielle is passionate about the value of supporting change in leaders so they lead beyond the ego, enabling organisations to be agile and fit for the future. A Director of LeaderShape Global, Danielle has over decade’s experience of coaching and facilitation at CEO and Director level. Her MA has helped develop her thought leadership in embedded, brain friendly, work-based learning approaches.

Sign up here – https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcpceuqrDsvGt1xTN4lJWyr5z-9Pg-crJz5


September 17, 2020 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm(GMT+00:00)

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