Friday Fresh #27: Invaluable Template Inside

Hello and welcome to the first Friday Fresh of Spring 2024!

With spring finally here and the sun shily making its way back into our lives, we wanted to give you a Friday Fresh that you could implement as quickly as possible. So we sort of designed a “Pitch it to your employer” toolkit for you!

What you’ll find in this blog

Creating a “Pitch it to your employer” kit doesn’t have strict rules and you can have your interpretation of it, include anything you want to include, and design it your way.

You could, for example, create a form on your website that asks people for their name, their manager’s name, emails, and other details and send the email directly to their employer. You could also have a PowerPoint Presentation that they can download or a one-page printable summary that they can use to physically present to their manager. Whichever your choice, there’s no wrong way.

To get you started, we decided to provide you with two items:

  • A template email that you can customise and your potential learners can use and
  • A page-by-page plan to help you create a downloadable PDF that your learners can attach to the email.

So, without further ado, here are the two items.

1: Email Template

Subject: Proposal for Professional Development Opportunity

Dear [Employer’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. As part of my ongoing commitment to professional growth and contributing more effectively to our team, I’ve identified a training program that aligns with both my personal development goals and our organisation’s objectives. I would like to discuss the possibility of enrolling in this program with your support.

Training Program Overview: The program I’m interested in is [Name of the Training Program], which focuses on [brief description of what the program covers]. It’s designed to [explain how the program is relevant to your job role or the organization’s needs], and I believe it could significantly enhance my skills in [mention specific skills or areas the program addresses].

Benefits for Me and [Company Name]: Participating in this program would enable me to [list specific benefits for you, such as improving productivity, enhancing quality of work, learning new techniques, etc.]. Moreover, it would directly benefit our team and organisation by [list specific organisational benefits, such as improving processes, driving innovation, enhancing team capabilities, etc.].

Program Details:

  • Duration: [mention the duration of the program]
  • Format: [online/in-person/hybrid]
  • Schedule: [provide details about the schedule and time commitment required]
  • Cost: [mention the cost of the program]

I’ve thoroughly researched this program and believe it offers a valuable opportunity for my professional development within the context of our organisation’s goals. Attached, you’ll find a brochure with more detailed information about the program, including testimonials from individuals and organisations that have benefited from it.

To make it easier for [Company Name] to support my participation, the training provider offers [mention any corporate discounts, funding options, or support services available].

I’m eager to discuss how this training program can be integrated into my development plan and how we can align it with the broader goals of our team and organisation. I believe that with your support, this opportunity could not only enhance my contributions to our team but also drive greater success for [Company Name].

Thank you for considering my request. I’m looking forward to discussing it further and exploring how we can make this opportunity work to our mutual benefit.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Job Title]
[Your Contact Information]

2: PDF Brochure Page-by-Page Guide

Page 1: Cover Page

  • Title: “Pitch it to Your Employer Kit”
  • Subtitle: [Course Name]
  • Training Provider Logo: [Place for Logo]
  • Course Date(s): [Insert Dates]
  • Location/Format: [Online/In-Person/Hybrid]

Page 2: Introduction

  • Brief Overview: A short paragraph introducing the course and its primary focus.
  • Objective: What the course aims to achieve for participants.

Page 3: Course Content

  • Modules/Units: Break down of the course content into modules or units.
  • Learning Outcomes: List the key skills and knowledge participants will gain.
  • Duration: Total hours and schedule (e.g., over 6 weeks, 2 hours per week).

Page 4: Benefits to Employees and the Organisation

  • For the Employee: How this training will contribute to their personal and professional development.
  • For the Organisation: Explain the potential ROI of investing in an employee’s training, including improved performance, enhanced skills, and application of new strategies.

Page 5: Instructor Profile

  • Instructor Name:
  • Biography: Brief overview of the instructor’s credentials, experience, and any notable achievements.
  • Photo: Place for the instructor’s photograph.

Page 6: Testimonials and Success Stories

  • Quotes from Previous Participants: Include 2-3 testimonials.
  • Case Studies: Brief success stories of how past participants or organizations benefited from the course.

Page 7: Enrollment Details

  • Cost: Course fee and any available discount for corporate groups.
  • Registration Deadline:
  • How to Enroll: Step-by-step process for enrollment.
  • Cancellation Policy:

Page 8: Additional Support for Employers

  • Contact Information: For employers to ask further questions or negotiate corporate rates.
  • Follow-Up Services: Mention any post-course support, like consultation or access to online resources.

Page 9: Closing Remarks

  • Final Appeal: Short paragraph summarising why this course is a worthwhile investment.
  • Thank You Note: Express gratitude for considering the proposal.

Page 10: Appendix

  • FAQs: Common questions and answers about the course.
  • Contact Information: For employees to reach out if they have any questions about pitching the course.
Final Thoughts 

Making Friday Fresh useful and valuable to you has been the #1 goal we had when we started the series, and your comments so far have been exceptionally flattering, for which we can’t thank you enough.

To make it easier for you to give us feedback or suggestions for the Friday Fresh newsletter, we’ve created a section inside our website’s Members Area. Please feel welcome to use it and know that each comment and suggestion will be read and replied to.


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